Saturday, 4 August 2018

Limitation of management accounting

                                               LIMITATIONS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: 
                                                                    Management Accounting is in the process of development. Hence, it suffers form all the limitations of a new discipline. Some of these limitations are:

 1. Limitations of Accounting Records: Management accounting derives its information from financial accounting, cost accounting and other records. It is concerned with the rearrangement or modification of data. The correctness or otherwise of the management accounting depends upon the correctness of these basic records. The limitations of these records are also the limitations of management accounting.

2. It is only a Tool: Management accounting is not an alternate or substitute for management. It is a mere tool for management. Ultimate decisions are being taken by management and not by management accounting.

3. Heavy Cost of Installation: The installation of management accounting system needs a very elaborate organization. This results in heavy investment which can be afforded only by big concerns.

4. Personal Bias: The interpretation of financial information depends upon the capacity of interpreter as one has to make a personal judgment. Personal prejudices and bias affect the objectivity of decisions.

 5. Psychological Resistance: The installation of management accounting involves basic change in organization set up. New rules and regulations are also required to be framed which affect a number of personnel and hence there is a possibility of resistance form some or the other.

6. Evolutionary stage: Management accounting is only in a developmental stage. Its concepts and conventions are not as exact and established as that of other branches of accounting. Therefore, its results depend to a very great extent upon the intelligent interpretation of the data of managerial use.

7. Provides only Data: Management accounting provides data and not decisions. It only informs, not prescribes. This limitation should also be kept in mind while using the techniques of management accounting.

8. Broad-based Scope: The scope of management accounting is wide and this creates many difficulties in the implementations process. Management requires information from both accounting as well as non-accounting sources. It leads to inexactness and subjectivity in the conclusion obtained through it.

Limitation of management accounting

                                                                         LIMITATIONS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING:                        ...